A learning place for those who are seeking traditional Islamic Guidance from authentically Certified Scholars and hopefully, a source of Divine Support.

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Islamic Occasions

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Our Latest Articles

Special Prayers for the Month of Shaʿbān

Ṣalawāt from Ḥabīb Muḥammad bin ʿAbdallāh al-Haddār for the month of Shaʿbān.

Intentions & Supplications for the Month of Ramaḍān

The intentions for fasting the month of Ramaḍān and other supplications.

The First Night of Ramaḍān

The Night of the Divine Gaze. Some words from the scholars and Righteous about the First Night of Ramaḍān.

The Night of Decree

A collection of narrations and sayings from the Prophet ﷺ, his Companions (God be pleased with them), the Righteous Ones [salihin] and our Shaykhs on the Night of Decree [Laylatul Qadr].

What to do on a Friday

A short summary of the best deeds to perform on a Friday based on sources from the Prophetic Tradition and Scholars.

The First Ten of Dhuʾl-Ḥijjah

The special status of these ten days of the Sacred Month of Dhu’l-Ḥijjah.

Shaꜥban – the Month of the Messenger ﷺ

An exposition of the desired deeds to be performed in this blessed and sacred month.

Rajab – The Month of Allāh

An exposition into the virtues of the Sacred month of Rajab, the month of Allah and the month of forgiveness with words from Shaykh `Abd al-Hamid Quds’ text, ‘Kanz un-Najah was-Surur’.

Ramaḍān – Secrets of the Greatest Month

Sayings from the Prophets and the Righteous about the Month of the Qurʾān.

Rabiꜥ al-Awwal – The First Spring & The Mawlid

A short compilation on the virtues of the Month of the First Spring [rabi` al-awwal].

Our Latest Supplications

What Imām al-Ḥaddād Would Teach Children

What Imām al-Ḥaddād Would Teach ChildrenSpecial supplications and verses from the Qurʾān that Imām...

Supplications for Ablution [wudu’]

Translated from Imam al-Ghazali’s Ihya’ on the supplications to recite whist performing the ablution [wudu] for prayer.

Intentions & Supplications for the Month of Ramaḍān

The intentions for fasting the month of Ramaḍān and other supplications.

The Night of Decree

A collection of narrations and sayings from the Prophet ﷺ, his Companions (God be pleased with them), the Righteous Ones [salihin] and our Shaykhs on the Night of Decree [Laylatul Qadr].

Intentions for Staying Home due to the COVID-19 Pandemic

A list of intentions put together for staying at home during the COVID-19 pandemic – to turn our lock-down into an act of worship.

Protection against Epidemics and Sicknesses

Ḥabīb ʿUmar bin Muḥammad bin Ḥafīẓ (Allāh preserve him) gave some directions after being asked, as...

Intentions and Supplications for Seeking Sacred Knowledge

A three-part supplication including Imam al-Haddad’s Intentions for Seeking Sacred Knowledge, a supplication to recite before studying and a supplication to recite at the end of a study session or class, from the Shaykhs of the Salaf of Tarim, Yemen and our Scholars. These supplications were handed to Shaykh Haisam Farache whilst he studied in Tarim and he passed them onto us. We now share them with you so that you may also benefit from their immense blessings.

The Importance of the Night Prayers [tahajjud]

Speaking on the topic of the Night Devotions [tahajjud], which are performed after one has...

Good Deeds that have Unknown and Unlimited Rewards

Three types of good deeds and actions that will not be weighed on the Scales on the Day of...

Wird Abi Bakr as-Sakran

An especially powerful litany of protection passed down and recited by the Bā ʿAlawī Masters.