Rajab – The Month of Allāh

Rajab – The Month of Allāh

Introduction by Ḥabīb ꜥUmar ibn Ḥafīẓ (God preserve him) Rajab is one of your best months so increase within it seeking forgiveness [istighfār] and perfect your approach towards God ﷻ. Our Master ꜥAlī ibn Abī Ṭālib (God be pleased with him) used to allocate time for...

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Ramaḍān – Secrets of the Greatest Month

Ramaḍān – Secrets of the Greatest Month

A collection of narrations and sayings from the Prophet ﷺ, his Companions (God be pleased with them), the Righteous Ones [salihin] and our Shaykhs on Ramadan; the immense blessings in its first night, the unmatched rewards that it brings to those who fulfil its...

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